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Calculate your ROI using an MDM: A Guide for IT Leaders

Show your ROI with MDM!. Quantify savings, reduce IT workload, and present a compelling financial case to leadership for smarter device management.

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Cyber Threats

Explore the secrets hiding in the dark web with this essential guide for IT leaders. Learn how to improve security and fight online dangers.

Phishing and spear phishing are both cyberattacks that rely on deception, but they differ in their level of targeting and sophistication. Learn how to spot them

Discover effective strategies to prevent data breaches in 2025. Learn how to do it with encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular audits.

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Data Security

Learn how to check if your data is on the dark web, respond effectively, and protect your compromised email address. Stay ahead of security breaches.

Top strategies to mitigate data loss risk in 2025

Comprehensive guide to data loss prevention in 2025. Understand key causes, risks, and implement robust security strategies to protect valuable information across your organization.

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Endpoint Management

Discover the power of open-source MDM solutions in this comprehensive guide. Learn how they provide cost savings, enhanced security, and customizability.

Discover how a Windows MDM solution can transform your organization's device management. This guide covers security, efficiency, and future trends.

Ensure MDM compliance with security best practices, audits, and monitoring. Stay compliant with GDPR, HIPAA & PCI-DSS while protecting sensitive data.

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Checklist designed to help businesses evaluate and select the best laptop tracking software

A step-by-step MDM checklist for SMBs to secure, manage, and monitor company devices with ease and efficiency.

A practical guide for IT professionals on understanding and defending against dark web threats, featuring actionable strategies and real-world insights into credential protection

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var Webflow = Webflow || []; Webflow.push(() => { function changeTab(shouldScroll = false) { const hashSegments = window.location.hash.substring(1).split('/'); const offset = 90; // change this to match your fixed header height if you have one let lastTabTarget; for (const segment of hashSegments) { const tabTarget = document.querySelector(`[data-w-tab="${segment}"]`); if (tabTarget) { tabTarget.click(); lastTabTarget = tabTarget; } } } const tabs = document.querySelectorAll('[data-w-tab]'); tabs.forEach(tab => { const dataWTabValue = tab.dataset.wTab; const parsedDataTab = dataWTabValue.replace(/\s+/g,"-").toLowerCase(); tab.dataset.wTab = parsedDataTab; tab.addEventListener('click', () => { history.pushState({}, '', `#${parsedDataTab}`); }); }); if (window.location.hash) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { changeTab(true); }); } window.addEventListener('hashchange', () => { changeTab() }); }); // Date translation function from EN to ES when website is ES function translateDateToES(observer) { if (observer) observer.disconnect(); const userLang = document.documentElement.lang; const dateElements = document.querySelectorAll('.date'); if (userLang.toLowerCase().includes('es')) { dateElements.forEach(element => { const englishDate = element.textContent.trim(); const translatedDate = englishDate // Translate months .replace('Jan', 'Ene') //.replace('Feb', 'Feb') //.replace('Mar', 'Mar') .replace('Apr', 'Abr') //.replace('May', 'May') //.replace('Jun', 'Jun') //.replace('Jul', 'Jul') .replace('Aug', 'Ago') //.replace('Sep', 'Sep') //.replace('Oct', 'Oct') //.replace('Nov', 'Nov') .replace('Dec', 'Dic') element.textContent = translatedDate; }); } // Reconnect the observer after the DOM changes are made if (observer) observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } // Function to observe DOM changes and re-run translation function observeDOMChanges() { const targetNode = document.body; const config = { childList: true, subtree: true }; // Watching for changes in the DOM subtree const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) { for (let mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type === 'childList') { translateDateToES(observer); // Re-run the translation function } } }; const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); observer.observe(targetNode, config); // Initial translation on page load translateDateToES(observer); } // Start observing changes on the page observeDOMChanges(); -->