Nico P.
Nicolas Poggi was the head of mobile research at Prey, Inc. Nico’s work explores technology innovations within the mobile marketplace, and their impact upon security. Nic also served as Prey’s communications manager, overseeing the company’s brand and content creation.

Boost your IT leadership skills with these must-read books! From DevOps to governance, gain insights to stay ahead in tech. #ITLeadership
A geofence is a virtual, dynamic fence. Learn more how IT teams can use this solution for cybersecurity and ensure security compliance.
Security breaches can cost your organization millions of dollars. Training employees on cybersecurity is not just a data issue, it’s a bottom-line issue.
Facing a ransom demand for your data? Equip yourself with digital defenses to combat growing threats to mobile device security.
Does the traditional computer lab in schools still matter? Mobile devices are coming to change the way schools connect students to new technologies.
Learn how to craft an effective BYOD Policy for your business. Discover BYOD risks and solutions to ensure BYOD security.
To spread digital awareness in education, we've created our first Poster Kit. It's essential for students to learn to identify threats and protect their identities online.
Explore the significance and challenges of cybersecurity in education. Discover how the proper cybersecurity measures empower students to thrive.
Discover the potential of BYOD in schools while considering the challenges of maintaining device security. Learn how personal devices can empower students.