Tackling loss, theft & misuse
in the remote age
Prevent bad actors access and respond effectively to compromised devices with Prey's security features. Geofences, scheduled automations, and much more. Turn Lost into Found.
Security actions
Choose your reactions according to urgency and situation. You’ll get several ways to handle issues.
Screen lock
Avoid strangers accessing a lost gadget by remotely locking it with a custom passcode.
Message and alarm
Send a customizable message to contact the user, or whoever finds the lost device, and ring a 30-second, alarm to find it yourself.
Mark as missing
Given this instruction, Prey will start gathering Missing Reports with key information for recovery. The devices takes photographs and screenshots (optional) and reports include location information such as a map pin, coordinates, close by wi-fi signals and more.

Geofence actions
Configure your geofencing areas to trigger security actions on devices that move in or out of areas without permission. React without delay.
Entry and exit reactions
Choose from a list of actions for when a device enters or leaves its previously designed Geofence.
Event notification
Toggle exit and entry alerts on or off. Whenever a device triggers a Geofence's rule, you'll receive a quick alert.
Reduces reaction time
Configure Prey to activate security actions, or mark the device as missing as soon as entry or exit is achieved.

Scheduled automations
Program recurrent, repeating, or one-time actions to streamline daily tasks. Or create trigger-based rules to automate security.
Time-based rules
Set up security actions to start automatically on specific dates, recurring days and hours.
Event-based rules
Configure reactions to specific events, for instance, if a device has not connected to Prey servers after a certain time. Automatically lock the device and mark it as missing to receive reports.
Time frames
Event-based automations can be customized to activate only during a specific date range, or during a recurrent weekly schedule.

Why choose Prey
Prey is a worldwide service for simple yet powerful device protection, used by millions and trusted by thousands of organizations.
Lightweight. Powerful. Simple.

7.7+ Million
8.9+ Million

Curious about
data protection?
Secure your phones, laptops, and tablet information with Prey's data protection set of features.