Data Security

Overview of data security breaches occurring in 2022

Explore the worst data breaches of 2022 and learn how to protect yourself from cyber attacks. Expert analysis and advice on data security.

February 18, 2023

Data breaches have become increasingly common in recent years, and 2022 was no exception. From major corporations to government agencies, no one is immune to the threat of a cyber-attack. With the increasing amount of sensitive information being stored and shared online, the risks associated with data breaches and cyber attacks continue to grow. 

While the severity of future cyber attacks remains a matter of speculation, organizations can take proactive steps to minimize the risks associated with data breaches. By learning from these incidents, they can implement measures to protect themselves and their customers from similar attacks in the future.

In this article, we will delve into some of the worst data breaches of 2022, examining their causes, consequences, and lessons learned from these incidents. By examining the details of these data breaches and the vulnerabilities that were exploited, we can gain insight into how we can better protect ourselves and our data in the digital age. 

1. Slack suffers GitHub hack

In December 2022, the popular team communication and collaboration platform, Slack, experienced a major security breach when hackers stole their GitHub code repositories. The breach was caused by a vulnerability in Slack's authentication system, which the attackers exploited using stolen employee tokens to gain access to the company's externally hosted GitHub repository.

Fortunately, the repositories that were compromised did not contain any customer data, and Slack confirmed that their primary codebase was not impacted. In response to the incident, Slack invalidated the stolen tokens and initiated an investigation into the potential impact on customers. While the attack did not result in the loss of customer data, it highlights the importance of proactive security measures to prevent breaches from happening in the first place.

2. LastPass suffers another major data breach

In late December, LastPass, a password management company, announced that it had suffered another major data breach. The attackers were able to infiltrate the company's cloud database and access a copy of the data vaults belonging to millions of customers. According to the company, the attackers gained access through the use of stolen credentials and keys belonging to a LastPass employee.

The breach also exposed unencrypted subscriber account information, including usernames, company names, billing addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and IP addresses. This breach provides a potential attacker with enough information to execute a phishing attack and trick users into revealing their account passwords through social engineering tactics. As a precaution, LastPass recommended that users change their passwords after the breach.

LastPass is a widely-used password management company, and the breach is a reminder of the importance of securing user passwords and login credentials. The breach also highlights the need for companies to implement strong security measures, such as two-factor authentication and encryption, to protect user data. Companies must also be transparent with their users and provide timely and accurate information about breaches to help users protect themselves from potential harm.

3. Uber suffers a huge data breach: 77,000 employee records leaked

In the latest cyber attack incident, ride-hailing giant Uber fell victim to a security breach when hackers stole data from one of its vendors, Teqtivity. According to reports, the hackers infiltrated Teqtivity's AWS backup server, which contained code and data files related to the company's clients, including Uber. 

Although there is no evidence that user data was compromised in the breach, the personal information of 77,000 Uber employees was leaked, posing a significant concern for both the company and its affected employees. The incident raises significant questions about Uber's supply chain security, highlighting the importance of scrutinizing the security measures of all third-party vendors.

4. Massive Twitter data breach

A devastating data breach was reported in January 2023, involving over 200 million Twitter users whose personal information was compromised. The leaked data contained user names, email addresses, and real names, posing a significant risk to Twitter's users. It was revealed that the breach occurred due to a security flaw in Twitter's API, which was exposed for over six months, making it easy for hackers to exploit. 

Notably, the breach exposed a vast amount of data, which could lead to more severe threats, such as identity theft or blackmail. This breach is a reminder of the importance of investing in data security and taking measures to protect sensitive information. Moreover, it highlights the need for individuals to remain vigilant about their online activity and take steps to protect their personal information.

5. Optus security breach exposes 9.8 million customers' data

Optus, an Australian telecommunications company, suffered a major security breach in September 2022, which resulted in the exposure of their customers' personal information. The breach had a severe impact on the personal information of the company's 9.8 million customer base, with 2.1 million customers having their valid identification information compromised.

Initially, the attackers attempted to extort Optus for a $1 million ransom payment not to sell the stolen data. However, when their demands were not met, they leaked the information of 10,000 clients on a hacking forum. This leaked data included names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and birth dates of the affected customers.

The root cause of the breach was due to a publicly accessible API that was not secured. The API did not require user authentication, which allowed anyone who discovered the API on the internet to connect to it without providing a username or password. This exposed the data of millions of customers, highlighting the importance of securing APIs and taking a proactive approach to preventing such attacks.

6. suffers $34m security breach due to bypassing two-factor authentication

In January 2022,, a Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange, was targeted by hackers who stole over $15 million worth of Ethereum (ETH) and $19 million worth of Bitcoin (BTC) as well as other cryptocurrencies worth around $66,200. The breach was due to the attackers bypassing the company's two-factor authentication (2FA) system. Astonishingly, the hackers were able to gain access to user accounts by exploiting a vulnerability in the 2FA system, which was a major concern for the users of

The company acted quickly in response to the breach and temporarily suspended withdrawals, which prevented any further losses. In addition, they canceled all existing 2FA tokens for customers; and implemented additional security measures. This included requiring all users to log in again and reactivate their 2FA before any authorized actions could be taken. also increased the number of personnel in their security department and invested in more advanced security technologies to prevent future attacks. Despite these measures, the breach was one of the most significant data breaches of 2022, and it highlights the importance of strong 2FA systems and the need for continuous security audits.

7. Okta's Third Data Breach of 2022

On December 21st, Okta, a company that provides identity and access management solutions, released a statement on their blog, acknowledging that their source code repositories on GitHub had been hacked. While the exact method used by the attacker to gain access is not known yet, it is evident that customer data was not affected by the breach. This was a crucial point that the company made to reassure its customers that their data was not compromised.

Unfortunately, the Okta data breach is not the company's first. In fact, it is their third data breach this year, with previous incidents happening in March and August. While the company did not reveal the extent of the previous breaches, the recurrence of data breaches suggests that Okta needs to reevaluate and strengthen its security posture to protect its customers and their data better.

8. Zoetop Business Company Faces $1.9mn Penalty for Not Disclosing 2018 SHEIN Data Breach

In October, Zoetop Business Company, the owner of fast fashion brands SHEIN and ROMWE, received a $1.9mn penalty from the state of New York for not revealing a data breach that impacted 39 million customers. The breach took place in July 2018 when an unauthorized third party managed to access SHEIN's payment systems. Despite being notified by the payment processor, Zoetop Business Company failed to disclose the breach to its customers, which led to the penalty.

According to a statement from the New York State Attorney General's office, the payment processor had informed SHEIN that a major credit card network and a credit card issuing bank had discovered that Zoetop's systems had been infiltrated, and card data had been stolen. The credit card network found that payment details of SHEIN customers were being sold on a hacking forum, which was how the breach was eventually discovered.

The data breach impacted millions of SHEIN customers worldwide, and the stolen information included names, email addresses, phone numbers, encrypted passwords, and payment card details. Although the company claimed that no sensitive data was leaked, such as Social Security numbers or CVV codes, the breach still put customers at risk of identity theft and fraud.

9. SOCRadar Discovers 2.4 Terabytes of Exposed Data on a Microsoft Endpoint

In October 2022, SOCRadar, a security firm, made a startling discovery of 2.4 terabytes of exposed data on a poorly configured Microsoft endpoint. According to SOCRadar, the data belonged to over 65,000 businesses and 548,000 users; and included customer emails, project details, and signed documents. This discovery highlights the significant risk that businesses face from poor configurations and the need for robust cybersecurity measures.

The leak exposed sensitive information of numerous companies and their clients to malicious actors, which could lead to a variety of negative outcomes. Companies could suffer reputational damage, loss of business, financial penalties, and potential lawsuits, while customers could experience identity theft, loss of privacy, and other consequences.

Microsoft acknowledged the data leak in a blog post and stated that they had secured the endpoint and informed the affected accounts. They also clarified that there was no indication that customer accounts had been compromised, only exposed. However, the company disputed some of the information provided by SOCRadar, creating a sense of uncertainty and distrust around the incident.

10. Apple's Emergency Security Patch

In August 2022, Apple released an emergency security update to address two vulnerabilities found in their iOS, iPadOS, and macOS systems. The company revealed that both of these vulnerabilities were being actively exploited by malicious actors, making it crucial for Apple users to update their devices as soon as possible to avoid potential harm.

The first vulnerability was found in WebKit, which is the foundation of Safari and other apps. This vulnerability could allow malicious web pages to run code on the device, enabling attackers to take control of the device remotely. The second vulnerability was in the kernel of the operating system, which could allow a malicious app to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges, giving attackers extensive control over the infected device.

Apple did not provide any details on the identity or motivation of the attackers who were exploiting these vulnerabilities. Still, the company urged its customers to update their devices immediately to protect against these security weaknesses. Apple also recommended checking for updates in the device's settings to ensure that the latest patch was installed.

11. Former Amazon Employee Found Guilty in Capital One Data Breach

In June 2022, former Amazon Web Services employee, Paige Thompson, was found guilty for her involvement in the Capital One data breach that occurred in 2019. Thompson's extensive knowledge of cloud server vulnerabilities enabled her to exploit a weakness in Capital One's infrastructure and steal personal information of over 100 million people. This information included names, birth dates, social security numbers, and other personal identifying information.

The breach occurred when Thompson accessed a Capital One server that had been misconfigured, providing her with access to sensitive customer information. After gaining access, she posted the information to a public repository on GitHub and then bragged about it on social media. Her activity was soon noticed by the authorities, leading to her arrest.

Thompson's attack on Capital One was part of a more extensive campaign that included the theft of data from over 30 other companies. This highlights the potential danger of insider threats and emphasizes the need for companies to monitor employee activity closely, particularly those who have access to sensitive data.

Thompson was sentenced to five years in prison and ordered to pay $25 million in restitution to Capital One. Her conviction serves as a reminder that data breaches can have severe consequences, and individuals responsible for these breaches will be held accountable for their actions.

12. Cash App Hacked: Former Employee Steals Sensitive Customer Data

In December 2021, Cash App, a popular mobile payment service owned by Block (formerly known as Square), was the victim of a cyberattack. In an SEC filing on April 4th, Block revealed that the attacker was a former employee who stole sensitive customer data, including names, brokerage account numbers, and information on portfolio value and stock trading activity.

While the company has not disclosed the total number of affected customers, they are currently reaching out to over 8 million customers to notify them of the incident. Fortunately, no other personal information or account credentials were exposed during the breach.

The company has not disclosed how the former employee was able to obtain the sensitive customer data or whether they were able to retrieve the stolen data. It is also unclear if the former employee acted alone or had any accomplices.

13. Hacker Group Lapsus$ Breaches Microsoft’s Azure DevOps and Projects

On March 20, 2022, the notorious hacker group Lapsus$ shared a screenshot on their Telegram channel that indicated they had successfully breached Microsoft. The screenshot was taken from Azure DevOps, a software developed by Microsoft for collaboration purposes, which revealed that the hacker group had infiltrated Bing, Cortana, and other projects. The breach was particularly concerning as these projects are widely used by individuals and companies globally.

The initial discovery of the breach raised serious concerns over the extent of the damage and the amount of data that was exposed. On March 22, Microsoft confirmed the attack and stated that while the hacker group was able to access a single account, no customer data was compromised. It was reported that the company's security team quickly intervened and was able to stop the attack before Lapsus$ could cause more damage or gain further access to Microsoft's systems.

Although the breach was contained, the incident highlighted the ongoing challenges faced by even the most secure companies in protecting their systems from cyber threats. With the threat landscape continuing to evolve and become more sophisticated, organizations need to prioritize their security posture and take proactive measures to protect their systems from cyberattacks.

14. German Energy Company Targeted in a Supply Chain Attack

In February 2022, a major German energy company became the latest victim of a supply chain attack that led to the shutdown of more than 200 gas stations across the country. The company's IT infrastructure was destabilized, causing significant disruption to its operations. The attack resulted in a temporary loss of service to customers, as well as significant financial losses for the company.

The attackers gained access to the company's systems by exploiting vulnerabilities in third-party software used by the company. This is a common tactic used in supply chain attacks, where hackers target a company by first infiltrating a third-party provider's system. Once inside the provider's system, the hackers can gain access to the targeted company's network and data.

According to experts, the attack on the German energy company was likely carried out by the BlackHat gang, a Russian hacking group known for targeting oil pipelines. With the current state of energy security worldwide, it is highly probable that more such attacks will occur in the future. The consequences of these attacks can be severe, not only in terms of financial losses but also with regard to the stability of energy systems and the potential impact on the environment.

Regulating the Aftermath of Data Breaches

Data security is an issue of growing importance in today's digital world. To combat the increasing number of data breaches, various laws and regulations have been put in place to protect users' data. However, the effectiveness of these laws and regulations has been called into question, especially given the frequency of data breaches that still occur.

At the time of the 2022 data breaches, there were several laws and regulations in place to protect user data. In the United States, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was a major regulation in effect. This regulation, which was implemented in May 2018, aimed to strengthen the protection of personal data and increase the accountability of companies that handle user data. Additionally, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was another significant data privacy law that was passed in 2018. This act granted California residents the right to know what personal information is being collected about them, and the right to request that it be deleted.

Since the data breaches in 2022, there have been new laws and regulations that have been implemented to strengthen data security measures. In early 2022, the SEC proposed new cybersecurity disclosure requirements for public companies, which would require companies to disclose any cyber incidents and their potential impact on the business. In addition, new data privacy regulations have been proposed, such as the Consumer Data Privacy and Security Act, which would establish new standards for data privacy and cybersecurity.

While these laws and regulations are designed to protect user data, their effectiveness is often debated. Some argue that companies need to do more to comply with these regulations and protect user data. Others argue that the regulations themselves are not stringent enough; and that more needs to be done to hold companies accountable for data breaches.

How Laws and Regulations Protect User Data

Laws and regulations are put in place to protect user data by establishing clear guidelines and requirements for companies that handle this data. For example, the GDPR requires companies to obtain user consent before collecting and processing their data. It also gives users the right to access and correct their data, and the right to be forgotten. These requirements are designed to give users more control over their personal data and prevent companies from misusing it.

In addition, these laws and regulations are enforced by regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States. These agencies investigate complaints and violations; and can impose fines and other penalties on companies that do not comply with the regulations. This enforcement helps to ensure that companies take data security seriously and prioritize the protection of user data.

However, the effectiveness of these laws and regulations is often called into question, especially given the frequency of data breaches that still occur. Some argue that more needs to be done to hold companies accountable for data breaches; and that regulations need to be stricter to ensure that user data is properly protected. As the threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches continues to grow, it is likely that we will see more regulations and laws put in place to protect user data in the future.


In conclusion, the data breaches of 2022 serve as a reminder of the importance of data security in our digital age. The breaches affected high-profile companies and organizations, from cryptocurrency exchanges to telecommunication companies, and impacted millions of users globally. The causes ranged from supply chain attacks to vulnerabilities in authentication systems, and the consequences were devastating, including the theft of sensitive information and the disruption of critical infrastructure.

Despite the regulations in place to protect user data, breaches still occur. Laws and regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provide legal frameworks to ensure companies comply with data protection and privacy rules. However, it's up to companies and individuals to take proactive measures to minimize the risks of data breaches.

To protect themselves, individuals can use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and be wary of suspicious emails and phishing attempts. Companies can implement security measures such as encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems, as well as conduct regular security audits and employee training.

It's crucial to stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and developments. Resources such as government agencies, security experts, and technology news outlets can provide useful information on data security and protection. Some useful resources include the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and publications such as Wired and ZDNet.

By taking a proactive approach to data security and staying informed about the latest threats and developments, we can all do our part to protect our data and prevent future data breaches.

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